GetJobsExtendedStats (Method)

(Redirected from GetJobsExtendedStats)
Protected:This item is protected. Attempting to use it in a Script or LocalScript will cause an error.
GetJobsExtendedStats( )
Returns Table jobsExtendedStats
Description: Different than GetJobsInfo in that many values are changed to -1.#IND.
Member of: DataModel


If you are using the Command Bar or a CoreScript...

print( game:GetJobsExtendedStats() ) --> table: 0AC947A0
print( game:GetJobsExtendedStats()[1] ) --> table: 0AC945C0
print( game:GetJobsExtendedStats()[1][1] ) --> name

If you are using a Script or a LocalScript...

print( game:GetJobsExtendedStats() ) --> s GetJobsExtendedStats