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If so, then redirect it to here - Quenty (talk • April 26)

Well.. The problem is that ArceusInator created lots of redirects to pages of members that didn't exist yet... and these pages were still not created. Redirects must redirect to the member page with the same name when there is one. In this case, we'd need to create the page, but, huh.. well, we don't know enough about animations to create it. Actually, Anaminus found a lot of information on them, so perhaps we could get it from his tutorial and ask whatever question we have to the developers, so we can finally document animations. However, is there really a point in documenting them, since they can't be used except by developers? --JulienDethurens 21:23, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
I shall solve it like this. I shall use the stub thing. Since there is no information but the stub, and people routinely check stubs, it will get filled. - Quenty (talk • April 26)
It'd be better to do some research. I've just documented it, and I'm sure we can do the same with all the other ones. There are indeed some things we really can't document, but... we can ask the devs. And don't forget jeditkacheff said he was going to give a summary to every single item in the object browser. He did it for some of them already (the ones where you can see a more info link that links to the wiki). --JulienDethurens 21:32, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
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