

PluginZ is a plugin utility made by me (Trappingnoobs).

The idea is because some people can't be bothered to install plugins, or don't know how to unzip, or don't want winzip or something.

It's a lightweight program that you give it a plugin (Don't unzip the plugin first. It'll unzip it for you), and it'll unzip it and put it in the right place.

The fact that it unzips the plugin itself means is all you need to do is download the plugin and put, for example, on your desktop, and find it in PluginZ and then it'll install the plugin into Roblox Studio for you.

Note that if you download a plugin with a virus in, it's not PluginZ fault if the virus affects your computer! Only download plugins from people you trust.


Just download PluginZ and install it as you would an ordinary program. It'll make a desktop shortcut if you want it to, too!


Picz or it didn't happen