User:Quenty/How To Receive Help From Scripters

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About the Article:In the scripter helpers forum, and the scripters forum, people will generally help fix your code if the wiki can't. However, these rules will help make it easier for them to help you. Don't expect easy solutions or help though. This will just make people more likely to help you.
Note: Not sure if this article is necessary, but I may want to refer to it in when people ask for help. Should I keep it? - Quenty (talk • January 3)

What not to do (Scripters Helpers)

In the Scripting Helpers forum, there are several things you shouldn't ask for or do. These are taboo, and doing it will result in people raising eyebrows, doing fake *coughs* and just plaining tell you no. Here is a list of 'do nots'.

  • Ask for a script - Don't go and ask for a script. Don't say 'Can someone give me a leaderboard script. Not only can you usually find it in free models, or find it somewhere else, they usually don't do stuff for free for strangers. Would you?
  • Copy your whole script too a forum and ask 'What's wrong?' - Not only will you also irritate people, who have no idea what is going to be wrong, you also have released your whole entire script to a group of people. Also, they have no idea where the error is, so if your script is 1000 lines long, no one's going to scroll through the script and find the error. Instead, include output, along with the segment of script that is erroring, along with any variables used in that section of the script.
  • Hack a game and then ask for someone to fix it - Seriously. Not only is hacking against the ToS (Terms of Service), no one, NO ONE is going to fix your hacked game. Please. The kindest response you will receive will be a 'Go learn how to script'.
  • Spam - Your account may be deleted.

What to do

  • Include output - Include output, people will be 50% more likely to help, especially if you tell them what you think is wrong, or the line that seems wrong. A post without output looks like this...
Posted: 01-02-2012 07:40 PM
local p = workspace:GetChildren()
for i=1, #p do
if p[i].className == "Part" then
if p[i].Material == "Plastic" then
local bm2 = p[i]:FindFirstChild("Mesh")
if not bm2 then
local bm ="BlockMesh")
bm.Parent = p[i]

It doesn't work for parts that have no mesh.
It seems to break somewhere around line 4... I think...
Re: Please show me what I'm doing wrong...
Posted: 01-02-2012 07:45 PM
Did you get an output from the script?
Re: Please show me what I'm doing wrong...
Posted: 01-02-2012 07:47 PM
Can you copy and paste the output here please?

At this point, you will probably post the output, but you will have wasted valuable time, and you will be less likely to receive a post.

  • Have a specific title - Don't use a title like 'Help' use a title like 'Leaderboard script - Math problem', which will attract all the smart math people
  • Indent your script even though you can't really tab your script (or use white space to do it), you can do fake tabs on the forums. This can be achieved by pressing alt+0160: holding down the alt key, then pushing the 0 (zero) key, then the 1 key, then the 6 key, then the 0 (zero) key again). This types the Non-Breaking Space character. Using four of those instead of a tab will work. Indented code looks like this:
x = 3

if x == 3 then

Forum Rules

These apply to ALL FORUMS, not just one or two.

The Rules of Conduct also apply here. Go read them:


This is NOT a complete list. Saying "It's not on the rules" is not an excuse; all moderators are to be given respect and listened to. If they warn you about something they're keeping you from being banned.

IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT OR CONCERN ABOUT A MODERATION ACTION ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PM A MOD. Do not post about it here. Do not ask about other peoples' bans or warnings - that's none of your business.

1. If a mod says not to post something, don't post it. This is not up for debate.

2. No foul or abusive language will be tolerated. Period. It has no place in our community. Attempts to disguise bad language or bypass the language filters will not be tolerated.

3. No personal attacks will be allowed. You’re welcome to disagree with another member’s opinion but attacking (flaming) and insulting another member is not acceptable. Intentionally starting flame wars could cause you to be banned for a while. Posting "lol look at this stupid thing this person did" is a personal attack. Posting "wow isn't this a nooby place" is a personal attack. Posting PM strings where you totally pwn the other person is a personal attack.

4. No degrading racial comments are allowed. Self-explanatory. You WILL be banned.

5. No drug, alcohol, or tobacco references. Discussions about or references to drugs and alcohol are not allowed.

6. No inappropriate references. There’s no question that Internet is full of degrading inappropriate material and comments. Roblox is fully G-rated, it must be KEPT that way. This will get you instantly banned.

7. No advertising or spamming. It is our goal to keep the online community free from advertising and spam. We do not allow companies or individuals to actively market products, services, or websites to board members. Links to Roblox stuff is all right, but don't post about your personal chatroom or such.

8. No dangerous or harmful posts. Posts that encourage members to participate in activities that we deem to be harmful or dangerous to members will be deleted (i.e. lighting things on fire, jumping cars over people etc.). Doing this stuff in Roblox is fine, in the real world it's not and can get you to be seriously hurt.

9. No links off ROBLOX. No links to sites that are not owned by ROBLOX or related to official ROBLOX projects. So basically only link to or the ustream videos.

10. No dating topics. This isn't a dating help site, keep topics about dating, relationships, girlfriends/boyfriends, crushes, who you LIKE like, who you think is cute/hot, etc. off Roblox. Yes, this includes talking about your real-life relationships.

11. No religion threads. NO RELIGIOUS THREADS AT ALL ARE ALLOWED. NO POLITICAL THREADS AT ALL ARE ALLOWED. NO WORLD-ENDING THREADS AT ALL ARE ALLOWED. NO 2012 THREADS ARE ALLOWED. Any threads along the lines of "post hear if you dunt believ in god!!!" will get the thread owner AND ANYONE IN THE THREAD POSTING FLAME POSTS OR TROLLING POSTS banned. That goes for both sides of the arguments.

12. Make threads with an appropriate title. Blank titles are not allowed.

ALL THREADS IN ALL FORUMS MUST ABIDE BY THIS. Your titles should tell you what the thread is about. It shouldn't be a "surprise". Make the titles mean something.

"Hi there!" is OK. "I made a new map it's called Battleroads" is OK.

"Guess what!?" is BAD. "I just...." is BAD. "place" is BAD. "Come see!" is BAD.

Spelling it out clear here:

Any title that does not describe the thread is in risk of being locked.

Any misleading title that makes one assume there is different stuff in the thread than there is WILL be locked.

Any title that is deemed inappropriate (by the moderators, not by other users :P ) will be removed and the user punished.

Any JOKE TITLES, involving one to assume that you are swearing or otherwise doing inappropriate things in the thread WILL BE TREATED LIKE IT'S THE REAL DEAL. That means you will be banned. Alright? Don't do that, it's really annoying and makes moderation harder to do.

13. Spam is not allowed. Off Topic is for topics not related for Roblox. This includes things like talking about school, about favorite pets, things like that.

14. Do not reply to threads just to reply. Replying with things like 'uh.. ya' or 'what' doesn't help the thread at all. If you don't have anything to say, don't say it. If the only thing you can think of to say is mean, don't say that either.

15. Don't pick fights. Posting things just to get people mad is called flaming. Posting in a thread just to say the topic sucks is trolling. Both are punishable actions.

Posting "pwnd!" or anything similar after a mod corrects another player is also a form of flaming. If a mod corrects another player, do not respond and tell that player how they just got owned. They know they got owned. You know they got owned. Just leave it alone.

Don't respond to people just to respond. If you don't have anything to actually say, don't say anything. Yes, that means that just posting "no u" or "kthxbai" or "inb4lock" or any of those other one-liners is still spam, and is still not allowed.

16. Don't bump old threads. They're cOLD. Leave them alone.

17. Keep your signature short. There's no support for sigs in here, and having an 8 line sig is annoying and has got to be annyoing to copy and paste all the time. So keep them nice and small, out of the way. Having a sig over 2 lines makes your post longer than your character, making the page longer, meaning more scrolling and more spam.

So keep 'em small and you can keep 'em. Otherwise, no sigs.

Also, don't make posts just to show off your signature, or to include your signature if you forgot it in a previous post. That's direct spam and can get you warnings.

18. Ghost bumping is not allowed.

Again, this is not a complete list. Changes will be made.

See Also