Equipped (Event)

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Equipped ( Mouse mouse )
Description Fired when tool is equipped.
Member of: Tool
Equipped ( Instance humanoid, Instance skateboardController )
Description Fired when a skateboard is equipped.
Member of: SkateboardPlatform


This event is triggered even a tool is equipped.

In a LocalScript:

local function onEquipped(mouse)
  mouse.Button1Down.connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end)

Getting The Mouse Secretly

In one of your games you might want a player to have to click or press a key or something, but what if you don't want them to have to select a hopperbin or tool? One neat thing we can do with the tool is parent it into a player, and the equipped event will fire, giving us their mouse. Then we can do the clicking and pressing stuffs and delete the tool! Here's an example of a script that would get the mouse without them seeing anything:

--This would go in the starterpack.
Player = script.Parent.Parent --Get the player.
Tool = Instance.new("Tool") --Create a tool.
Handle = Instance.new("Part",Tool) --Make a handle part so it will equip.
Handle.Name = "Handle" --Make sure it's called handle, or it won't work.
Tool.Equipped:connect(function(mouse) --When it's equipped fire a function.
    Tool.Parent = nil --Delete the tool so they don't see anything.
    mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) --When they press a key fire a function.
        print(key) --Print the key they pressed.
    end) --End the key function.
end) --End the equip function.
Tool.Parent = Player.Character --Parent it to the their character AFTER we have the equipped function ready so it will fire.

Now when the player presses a key it will print, and they didn't have to equip a tool or do anything!


  • Tool may equip before script add the connection, if both are added to Workspace on another machine.
  • This event may not fire if the tool moves or removes before it reaches the right state.