MoveMouse (Method)

Protected:This item is protected. Attempting to use it in a Script or LocalScript will cause an error.
MoveMouse( Vector2 position )
Returns nil
Description: Allows the ability to set where the Pseudo like Mouse for the VirtualUser is located.
Member of: VirtualUser


This code demonstrates how you could use the MoveMouse method:

local VU = game:GetService('VirtualUser') --Using the GetService method on an instanceable service will create one if it does not exist already and it places it in its proper spot.
local x, y = 0, 0 --Set some variables for reference
while wait() do -- This will show an accurate example of said method
	VU:MoveMouse(,y)) --Move the mouse to the spcified position
	x = x + 0.1
	y = y + 0.1 --Increment the position counter


  • Currently this method is locked and of no use.