
From Legacy Roblox Wiki
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Please do not delete this page! This page is for me to do a variety of things;

  • Test how things look together
  • Test color schemes
  • Make major changes to pages and getting people's opinions before ACTUALY changing the page
  • Test other random stuff

Tab tests

Tab 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras aliquet, diam ac viverra iaculis, ligula velit volutpat lorem, vitae tincidunt tortor augue sed ante.

Tab 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras aliquet, diam ac viverra iaculis, ligula velit volutpat lorem, vitae tincidunt tortor augue sed ante.

Navigational footers implementation example

Plugin template tests


Plugin: {{{1}}}

Author: {{{2}}}

Description: {{{3}}}

This plugin uses BC features. NBC users may not be able to use the whole functionality of the plugin.

NBC example

Plugin: Example plugin

Author: Trappingnoobs

Description: This is an example of my Plugin template. It shouldn't say you need BC.

BC example

Plugin: Example plugin

Author: Trappingnoobs

Description: This is an example of my Plugin template. It should say you need BC.

This plugin uses BC features. NBC users may not be able to use the whole functionality of the plugin.