RobloxLocked (Property)

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Protected:This item is protected. Attempting to use it in a Script or LocalScript will cause an error.
Type bool
Description If true, the object and its descendants cannot be indexed or edited by a Script or LocalScript and will throw an error if it is attempted.
Member of Instance

If using the command bar or a CoreScript...
Workspace.Part.RobloxLocked = true -- sets the Part's RobloxLocked to true
If using a Script or LocalScript...
Workspace.Part.RobloxLocked = true --> Unknown exception

RobloxLocked doesn't get saved

Therefore, you can set an object's RobloxLocked property to true, but unless you found some way to do that with a CoreScript at the start of the game, you will still be able to access the object from a Script or LocalScript. There are, however, some objects that are RobloxLocked by default.

Command Bar:
Workspace.Part.RobloxLocked = true

print( Workspace.Part.RobloxLocked ) --> true
script.Parent = Workspace.Part -- does not error because RobloxLocked is false by default for this object

script.Parent = game.CoreGui --> Unknown exception
--Errors because CoreGui has RobloxLocked set to true by default

RobloxLocked-ness is inherited

This means that if Workspace.RobloxLocked is true, then everything in the Workspace will act as if it was RobloxLocked.

game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:Destroy() -- nope
Command Bar:
game.CoreGui.RobloxGui.RobloxLocked = false
game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:Destroy() -- still no
Command Bar:
game.CoreGui.RobloxLocked = false
game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:Destroy() -- Yes!