Talk:How to make text on a brick

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while true do
script.Parent.Parent.Name = "Insert text 1 here." -- Change my text to your text.
wait(1) -- Change the time in between changing from the current text to the next text.
script.Parent.Parent.Name = "Insert text 2 here." -- Change my text to your text.
wait(1) -- Change the time in between changing from the current text to the next text.

works. MINDRAKER 18:32, 1 September 2008 (CDT)

Did it work for you?

Did Humanoid bug fix work for you?

Making Humanoid Health Invisible

I think that used to be on this guide? Not sure. Setting it's health to 0, and it's max health to 0, hides the Health bar. This is useful in making your game look cleaner and, well, more, I don't know. But I use it all the time, and it should be on here.

Rewriting + Additions

This page needs to be completely rewritten and I don't even see why I would need to explain why. Also, I think it would be good if it explained how you can use the Chat method of the Chat service to make dialog-like text appear over a part. And it should also talk about dialogs.

25 February 2012
Billboard GUIs are also a sensible tool here, right?
20:30, 9 May 2012 (UTC)