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In this custom tutorial, I will demonstrate how to utilize coroutines, a very interesting aspect of Lua.


Coroutines are very similar to subroutines (also known as functions), because they do exactly the same thing, just in a special manner.

What makes coroutines different is that unlike subroutines, coroutines can be executed partially, stopped, and then resumed from where they were at a different time.

With this, you can share execution time in Lua, just like your computer is doing right now.

Creating a Coroutine

Coroutines are actually 'threads' which encompass a normal Lua subroutine, just like Scripts do!

To create a coroutine, you have to use coroutine.create() like so:

local function subroutine()
    print("Inside a coroutine!");

local thread = coroutine.create(subroutine);        -- this turns subroutine() into a real coroutine

Starting a coroutine

Once you've created a coroutine, you must use coroutine.resume() to begin execution. You can also pass arguments to the coroutine this way. It should be kept in mind that a function can only be executed completely once. Once a function returns the coroutine cannot be started again. (The solution is to recreate the coroutine)

NOTE: coroutine.resume() is like pcall() in that it returns whether or not the function ran properly.

local function subroutine(val)
    local num;

    for i = 1, val do
        num = math.random();

    return num;

local thread = coroutine.create(subroutine);
local Work, SecureNumber = coroutine.resume(thread, 500);
print(SecureNumber)    --> 0.99261452070681

Stopping coroutines mid-execution

Using a combination of coroutine.yield() and coroutine.resume() you can finally use coroutines in the way they were meant to be used.

Together, you will be able to stop a coroutine at a certain point, go do some other work, and then resume the coroutine.

local function subroutine()
    for i = 1, 3 do
        coroutine.yield("This coroutine stopped. `i` = " .. i);        -- this is where the coroutine stops, and will resume from

local thread = coroutine.create(subroutine);

for i = 1, 3 do

true	This coroutine stopped. `i` = 1
true	This coroutine stopped. `i` = 2
true	This coroutine stopped. `i` = 3

It is possible to pass values between a coroutine and its calling thread via coroutine.resume() and coroutine.yield().

local function subroutine(input)
    print("Coroutine: `input` = " .. input);
    local secondInput = coroutine.yield("Coroutine is working!");
    print("Coroutine: `secondInput` = " .. secondInput);
    return "Finished!";

local thread = coroutine.create(subroutine);
local midway = coroutine.resume(thread, "Sorcus is EPIC");
print("Main thread: `midway` = " .. midway);
local output = coroutine.resume(thread, "Oysi is EPIC as well");
print("Main thread: `output` = " .. output);

Coroutine: `input` = Sorcus is EPIC
Main thread: `midway` = Coroutine is working!
Coroutine: `secondInput` = Oysi is EPIC as well
Main thread: `output` = Finished!

Various other functionality

Now you know the basics of how to use coroutines, so practicing with them a little is advised, but there is still more to learn. There are several other secondary coroutine functions which can be quite useful. I will describe these briefly here, follow the links to learn more.


coroutine.running() returns the thread for the currently executing coroutine, or nil if called from the main thread.


coroutine.status() returns a string describing the state of the current thread, whether it is capable of being ran, paused, or dead.


coroutine.wrap() combines the abilites of coroutine.resume() and coroutine.create(), in that it returns a function that will resume the function it is provided.