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This article is a portal for Roblox scripting and related articles.

Lua Programming Language

Roblox uses Lua 5.1, a concise and efficient scripting language used in games and embedded systems. Lua gives users the ability to create customized content beyond bricks, such as tools, weapons, vehicles, enhanced gameplay, and much more.


The Roblox Wiki offers many tutorials for learning Lua.

Environments and Libraries

An environment can be described as a place where variables, functions, etc live. Each script has its own environment.

A library is a group of functions that can be used to make scripting easier. For security purposes, some functions have been removed from Roblox to prevent access to system resources.

ROBLOX loads the coroutine, string, table, math, and basic function libraries.


One important feature that nearly all programming languages use is math. For more information, and usage, read the following articles:


All values in Lua have their own type. These values can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as results.

Basic Types

Every value in Lua will be one of these types:

Roblox-Defined Types

These are special types created by and available only in Roblox.

  • Vector3 -- Represents 3-dimensional coordinates. These are used for things like a brick's size or position.
  • CFrame -- Holds a position and a rotation. These define the rotation of bricks.
  • Color3 -- Makes colors using an RGB format.
  • BrickColor -- Defines a specific color for bricks.

Global Functions

Roblox defines the following global variables:

  • game is a reference to the DataModel instance that is the root of the object hierarchy.
  • workspace is a shortcut for the Workspace instance that is a child of the DataModel.
  • script is a reference to the Script instance that is the owner of the referencing code. (not applicable for the Command toolbar)
  • print(...) echoes each argument to the Output panel.
  • error(e,level) the Roblox implementation of error is much the same as print, echoing the first argument (in red text) to the Output panel, only raising an error as well.
  • time() returns the current game time in seconds. Is simply an accessor for the game's internal time count, such that the statement time() == time() is true.
  • tick() returns the OS time in seconds, queries the OS every time it is called, such that the statement tick() == tick() is false.
  • wait(t) yields the current thread and restarts it after "t" seconds have elapsed. If t is not specified, then it yields for one frame (approx. 1/30 sec). The function returns 2 values: The elapsed time and the current game time.
  • delay(t,f) Asynchronously executes function "f" after "t" seconds have elapsed. The function "f" is called with 2 arguments: The elapsed time and the current game time.
  • spawn(f) Same as delay(t,f) but with 0 wait time. Necessary since delay(0,f) actually waits the minimum wait time of 1 frame, whereas spawn has no wait.

Roblox Objects

Objects are what make Roblox work. Everything seen in-game is an object, as well as everything visible in the Explorer panel. All Objects have Properties, Functions and Events.

Common Mistakes

The slightest misspelling, or even incorrect capitalization will result in your script failing to work. REMEMBER: Look at the Output to check for errors. If this doesn't help, back-track and make sure everything is perfect. If you think there is a problem, or you need help in general, request help on the Forum.

See Common Scripting Mistakes and Debugging. For more help, see the 'See Also' section at the bottom of the page.

See Also

In the beginning:...

Scripting Tutorials and Articles:

General Information:
