User:Anaminus/object tree

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[ Instance
	$Clone {Instance}
	$FindFirstChild (string, bool = false) {Instance}
	$GetChildren {table}
	*$GetDebugId (int = 4) {string}
	*$GetDebugId (int = 4) {string}
	$GetFullName {string}
	$IsA (string) {bool}
	$IsAncestorOf (Instance) {bool}
	$IsDescendantOf (Instance) {bool}
	~$children {table}
	~$clone {Instance}
	~$isA (string) {bool}
	~$findFirstChild (string, bool = false) {Instance}
	#Archivable {bool}
	#ClassName {bool}
	#DataCost {int}
	#Name {string}
	#Parent {Instance}
	#RobloxLocked {bool}
	~#archivable {bool}
	~#className {string}
	@AncestryChanged (Instance, Instance)
	@Changed (string)
	@ChildAdded (Instance)
	@ChildRemoved (Instance)
	@DescendantAdded (Instance)
	@DescendantRemoving (Instance)
	[ Accoutrement
		#AttachmentForward {Vector3}
		#AttachmentPos {Vector3}
		#AttachmentRight {Vector3}
		#AttachmentUp {Vector3}
		#BackendAccoutrementState {int}
		[ Hat ]
	[ Advanced Dragger ]
	[ !Animation
		#AnimationId {Content}
	[ !AnimationTrack
		$AdjustSpeed (float = 1)
		$AdjustWeight (float = 1, float = 0.100000001)
		$Play (float = 0.100000001, float = 1, float = 1)
		$Stop (float = 0.100000001)
		@KeyframeReached (string)
	[ AnimationTrackState
		@AdjustAnimation (float, float)
		@AdjustAnimation (float, float, float)
		@KetframeReached (string)
		@PlayAnimation (float, float, float , float)
		@StopAnimation (float, float)
	[ Animator
		$LoadAnimation (Instance) {Instance}
	[ Authoring
		#EditorFont {string}
		#EditorFontSize {int}
		#EditorTabWidth {int}
		#ShowDepricatedObjects {bool}
		#ShowPreliminaryObjects {bool}
	[ Backpack ]
	[ BackpackItem
		#TextureId {Content}
		[ Tool
			#ActivationState {int}
			#BackendToolState {int}
			#Enabled {bool}
			#Grip {CFrame}
			#GripForward {Vector3}
			#GripPos {Vector3}
			#GripRight {Vector3}
			#GripUp {Vector3}
			@Equipped (Instance)
			[ Flag
				#TeamColor {BrickColor}
		[ HopperBin
			#Active {bool}
			#DeselectedConnectionCount {int}
			#ReplicatedSelectedConnectionCount {int}
			#BinType {BinType}
			@Selected (Instance)
	[ BadgeService
		$AwardBadge (int, int)
		$UserHasBadge (int, int) {bool}
		*$SetAwardBadgeUrl (string)
		*$SetHasBadgeCooldown (int)
		*$SetHasBadgeUrl (string)
		*$SetIsBadgeDisabledUrl (string)
		*$SetIsBadgeLegalUrl (string)
		*$SetPlaceId (int)
	[ BasePlayerGui
		[ CoreGui
			#Version {int}
		[ !PlayerGui ]
		[ !StarterGui
			#ShowDevelopmentGui {bool}
	[ BaseScript
		#Disabled {bool}
		#LinkedSource {Content}
		[ CoreScript ]
		[ Script
			*$GetHash {string}
			*#Source {ProtectedString}
			[ LocalScript ]
		[ StarterScript ]
	[ BodyAngularVelocity
		#P {float}
		#angularvelocity {Vector3}
	[ !BodyColors
		#HeadColor {BrickColor}
		#LeftArmColor {BrickColor}
		#LeftLegColor {BrickColor}
		#RightArmColor {BrickColor}
		#RightLegColor {BrickColor}
		#TorsoColor {BrickColor}
	[ BodyForce
		#force {Vector3}
	[ BodyGyro
		#D {float}
		#P {float}
		#cframe {CoordinateFrame}
		#maxTorque {Vector3}
	[ BodyPosition
		$GetLastForce {Vector3}
		$lastForce {Vector3}
		#D {float}
		#P {float}
		#maxForce {Vector3}
		#position {Vector3}
	[ BodyThrust
		#force {Vector3}
		#location {Vector3}
	[ BodyVelocity
		#P {float}
		#maxForce {Vector3}
		#velocity {Vector3}
	[ BoolValue
		#Value {bool}
		@Changed (bool)
	[ BrickColorValue
		#Value {BrickColor}
		@Changed (BrickColor)
	[ Button
		$SetActive (bool)
	[ ButtonBindingWidget ]
	[ CFrameValue
		#Value {CoordinateFrame}
		@Changed (CoordinateFrame)
	[ Camera
		*$PanUnits (int)
		*$TiltUnits (int)
		*$Zoom (float)
		#CameraSubject {Instance}
		#CameraType {CameraType}
		#CoordinateFrame {CoordinateFrame}
		#Focus {CoordinateFrame}
	[ ChangeHistoryService
		*$GetCanRedo {Tuple}
		*$GetCanUndo {Tuple}
		*$SetEnabled (bool)
		*$SetWaypoint (string)
	[ !CharacterMesh
		#BaseTextureId {int}
		#BodyPart {BodyPart}
		#MeshId {int}
		#OverlayTextureId {int}
	[ Chat
		$Chat (Instance, string, ChatColor)
		@Chatted (Instance, string, ChatColor)
	[ ClickDetector
		#FrontendMouseClick {bool}
		#MaxActivationDistance {float}
	[ Clothing
		#Outfit1 {string}
		#Outfit2 {string}
		[ Pants
			#PantsTemplate {Content}
		[ Shirt
			#ShirtTemplate {Content}
	[ CollectionService
		$GetCollection (class) {table}
		@ItemAdded (Instance)
		@ItemRemoved (Instance)
	[ Color3Value
		#Value {Color3}
		@Changed (Color3)
	[ !Configuration ]
	[ ContentFilter
		*$SetFilterLimits (int, int)
		*$SetFilterUrl (string)
	[ ContentProvider
		*$GetRequestQueue {table}
		*$GetRequestedUrls {table}
		$Preload (Content)
		*$SetAssetUrl (string)
		*$SetBaseUrl (string)
		*$SetCacheSize (int)
		*$SetThreadPool (int)
		#BaseUrl {string}
		#RequestQueueSize {int}
	[ Controller
		$BindButton (Button, string)
		$GetButton (Button) {bool}
		$UnbindButton (Button)
		@ButtonChanged (Button)
		[ HumanoidController ]
		[ SkateboardController
			#Steer {float}
			#Throttle {float}
			@AxisChanged (string)
		[ VehicleController ]
	[ ControllerService ]
	[ CookieService
		*$DeleteCookieValue (string)
		*$GetCookieValue (string) {string}
		*$SetCookieValue (string, string)
	[ !CustomEvent
		%$Connect (CustomEventReceiver)
		%$Disconnect (CustomEventReceiver)
		%$GetAttachedReceivers {table}
		%$Raise (float)
	[ !CustomEventReceiver
		%$GetAttachedEvents {table}
		&Receive (float)
	[ !DataModelMesh
		#LODX {LevelOfDetailSetting}
		#LODY {LevelOfDetailSetting}
		#Offset {Vector3}
		#Scale {Scale}
		#VertexColor {Vector3}
		[ !BevelMesh
			#Bevel {float}
			#Bevel Roundness {float}
			#Bulge {float}
			[ !BlockMesh ]
			[ !CylinderMesh ]
		[ !FileMesh
			#MeshId {Content}
			#TextureId {Content}
			[ SpecialMesh
				#MeshType {MeshType}
	[ Debris
		$AddItem (Instance, double = 10)
		~$addItem (Instance, double = 10)
		*$SetLegacyMaxItems (bool)
		~#MaxItems {int}
	[ DebugSettings
		$ResetCdnFailureCounts {Tuple}
		$SetBlockingRemove (bool)
		#AltCdnFailureCount {int}
		#AltCdnSuccessCount {int}
		#AvailablePhysicalMemory {int}
		#BlockMeshSize {int}
		#CPU {string}
		#CdnFailureCount {int}
		#CdnResponceTime {double}
		#CdnSuccessCount {int}
		#CpuCount {int}
		#CpuSpeed {int}
		#DataModel {int}
		#ElapsedTime {double}
		#EnforceInstanceCountLimit {bool}
		#ErrorReporting {ErrorReporting}
		#GfxCard {string}
		#InstanceCount {int}
		#InstanceCountLimit {int}
		#IsFmodProfilingEnabled {bool}
		#IsProfilingEnabled {bool}
		#IsScriptStackTracingEnabled {bool}
		#JobCount {int}
		#LastCdnFailureTimeSpan {double}
		#LuaRamLimit {int}
		#NameDatabaseBytes {int}
		#NameDatabaseSize {int}
		#OsPlatform {string}
		#OsPlatformId {int}
		#OsVer {string}
		#PageFaultsPerSecond {int}
		#PageFileBytes {int}
		#PixelShaderModel {float}
		#PlayerCount {int}
		#PrivateBytes {int}
		#PrivateWorkingSetBytes {int}
		#ProcessCores {double}
		#ProcessorTime {int}
		#ProfilingWindow {double}
		#RAM {int}
		#ReportExtendedMachineConfiguration {bool}
		#ReportSoundWarnings {bool}
		#Resolution {string}
		#RobloxFailureCount {int}
		#RobloxRespoceTime {double}
		#RobloxSuccessCount {int}
		#RobloxVersion {string}
		#SignalConnects {int}
		#SignalFires {int}
		#SystemProductName {string}
		#TickCountPreciseOverride {TickCountSampleMethod}
		#TotalPhysicalMemory {int}
		#TotalProcessorTime {int}
		#VertexShaderModel {float}
		#VideoMemory {int}
		#VirtualBytes {int}
	[ Dialog
		*$SignalDialogChoiceSelected (Instance, Instance)
		#ConversationDistance {float}
		#InUse {bool}
		#InitialPrompt {string}
		#Purpose {DialogPurpose}
		#Tone {DialogTone}
		@DialogChoiceSelected (Instance, Instance)
	[ DialogChoice
		#ResponseDialog {string}
		#UserDialog {string}
	[ DoubleConstrainedValue
		#ConstrainedValue {double}
		#MaxValue {double}
		#MinValue {double}
		@Changed (double)
	[ Dragger
		$AxisRotate (Axis = X)
		$MouseDown (Instance, Vector3, table)
		$MouseMove (Ray)
	[ Explosion
		#BlastPressure {float}
		#BlastRadius {float}
		#Position {Vector3}
		@Hit (Instance, float)
	[ FaceInstance
		#Face {NormalId}
		[ Decal
			#Shiny {float}
			#Specular {float}
			#Texture {Content}
			#Transparency {float}
			[ Texture
				#StudsPerTileU {float}
				#StudsPerTileV {float}
	[ FastLogSettings
		#AdornRenderStats {bool}
		#AdornVB {bool}
		#AdornableLifetime {bool}
		#CloseDataModel {bool}
		#ContentProviderCleanup {bool}
		#Crash {bool}
		#DataModelJobs {bool}
		#DeviceLost {bool}
		#FMOD {bool}
		#FRM {bool}
		#FullScriptCode {bool}
		#GfxClusters {bool}
		#HangDetection {bool}
		#Http {bool}
		#HttpCache {bool}
		#ISteppedLifetime {bool}
		#Legacy {bool}
		#MegaClusterDirty {bool}
		#MegaClusterInit {bool}
		#MegaClusterNetwork {bool}
		#MutexLifetime {bool}
		#Network {bool}
		#NetworkCache {bool}
		#OgreEntityLifetime {bool}
		#Player {bool}
		#Plugins {bool}
		#RbxMegaClusterInit {bool}
		#RbxMegaClusters {bool}
		#RenderBreakdown {bool}
		#RenderBreakdownDetails {bool}
		#SSAO {bool}
		#ScopedConnection {bool}
		#ScriptContextAdd {bool}
		#ScriptContextRemove {bool}
		#SignalPrints {bool}
		#TaskScheduler {bool}
		#TextureCompositor {bool}
		#TextureCompositorFullTextures {bool}
		#TextureContentProvider {bool}
		#ThumbnailRender {bool}
		#TouchedSignal {bool}
		#Verbs {bool}
		#VideoCapture {bool}
		#ViewRbxBase {bool}
		#WeakThreadRef {bool}
	[ Feature
		#FaceId {NormalId}
		#InOut {InOut}
		#LeftRight {LeftRight}
		#TopBottom {TopBottom}
		[ Hole ]
		[ MotorFeature ]
	[ Fire
		#Color {Color3}
		#Enabled {bool}
		#Heat {float}
		#SecondaryColor {Color3}
	[ FlagStandService ]
	[ ForceField ]
	[ FriendService
		*$SetBreakFriendUrl (string)
		*$SetCreateFriendRequestUrl (string)
		*$SetDeleteFriendRequestUrl (string)
		*$SetEnabled (bool)
		*$SetGetFriendsUrl (string)
		*$SetMakeFriendUrl (string)
		*@RemoteFriendEventSignal (int, int, FriendRequestEvent)
		*@RemoteFriendStatusSignal (int, int, FriendStatus)
	[ !FunctionalTest
		$Error (string = )
		$Failed (string = )
		$Pass (string = )
		$Passed (string = )
		$Warn (string = )
		#AllowSleep {bool}
		#Description {string}
		#Is30FpsThrottleEnabled {bool}
		#PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle {bool}
		#Timeout {double}
		@Ended (FunctionalTestResult, string)
	[ GameSettings
		#BubbleChatLifetime {float}
		#BubbleChatMaxBubbles {int}
		#ChatHistory {int}
		#ChatScrollLength {int}
		#CollisionSoundEnabled {bool}
		#CollisionSoundVolume {float}
		#HardwareMouse {bool}
		#ImageUploadPromptBehavior {UploadSetting}
		#MaxCollisionSounds {int}
		#ReportAbuseChatHistory {int}
		#SoftwareSound {bool}
		#SoundEnabled {bool}
		#VideoCaptureEnabled {bool}
		#VideoQuality {VideoQualitySettings}
	[ Geometry ]
	[ GuiBase
		#AbsolutePosition {Vector2}
		#AbsoluteSize {Vector2}
		[ !BillboardGui
			#Active {bool}
			#Adornee {Instance}
			#Enabled {bool}
			#ExtentsOffset {Vector3}
			#Size {UDim2}
			#SizeOffset {Vector2}
			#StudsOffset {Vector3}
		[ GuiObject
			$TweenPosition (UDim2, EasingDirection = Out, EasingStyle = Quad, float = 1, bool = false, Function = nil) {bool}
			$TweenSize (UDim2, EasingDirection = Out, EasingStyle = Quad, float = 1, bool = false, Function = nil) {bool}
			$TweenSizeAndPosition (UDim2, UDim2, EasingDirection = Out, EasingStyle = Quad, float = 1, bool = false, Function = nil)
			#Active {bool}
			~#BackgroundColor {BrickColor}
			#BackgroundColor3 {Color3}
			#BackgroundTransparency {Float}
			~#BorderColor {BrickColor}
			#BorderColor3 {Color3}
			#BorderSizePixel {int}
			#DragBeginConnectionCount {int}
			#DragStoppedConnectionCount {int}
			#Draggable {bool}
			#MouseEnterConnectionCount {int}
			#MouseLeaveConnectionCount {int}
			#MouseMovedConnectionCount {int}
			#Position {UDim2}
			#Size {UDim2}
			#SizeConstraint {SizeConstraint}
			#Visible {bool}
			#ZIndex {int}
			@DragBegin (UDim2)
			@DragStopped (int, int)
			@MouseMoved (int, int)
			[ !Frame
				#Style {FrameStyle}
				[ !NotificationObject ]
			[ GuiButton
				$SetVerb (string)
				#AutoButtonColor {bool}
				#Modal {bool}
				#MouseButton1ClickConnectionCount {int}
				#MouseButton1DownConnectionCount {int}
				#MouseButton1UpConnectionCount {int}
				#MouseButton2ClickConnectionCount {int}
				#MouseButton2DownConnectionCount {int}
				#MouseButton2UpConnectionCount {int}
				#Selected {bool}
				#Style {ButtonStyle}
				@MouseButton1Down (int, int)
				@MouseButton1Up (int, int)
				@MouseButton2Down (int, int)
				@MouseButton2Up (int, int)
				[ !ImageButton
					#Image {Content}
				[ !TextButton
					#Font {Font}
					#FontSize {FontSize}
					#Text {string}
					#TextBounds {Vector2}
					~#TextColor {BrickColor}
					#TextColor3 {Color3}
					#TextFits {bool}
					#TextTransparency {float}
					#TextWrap {bool}
					#TextXAlignment {TextXAlignment}
					#TextYAlignment {TextYAlignment}
			[ GuiLabel
				[ !ImageLabel
					#Image {Content}
				[ !TextLabel
					#Font {Font}
					#FontSize {FontSize}
					#Text {string}
					#TextBounds {Vector2}
					~#TextColor {BrickColor}
					#TextColor3 {Color3}
					#TextFits {bool}
					#TextTransparency {float}
					#TextWrap {bool}
					#TextXAlignment {TextXAlignment}
					#TextYAlignment {TextYAlignment}
			[ !NotificationBox ]
			[ Scale9Frame
				#ScaleEdgeSize {Vector2int16}
				#SlicePrefix {string}
			[ !TextBox
				#ClearTextOnFocus {bool}
				#Font {Font}
				#FontSize {FontSize}
				#MultiLine {bool}
				#Text {string}
				#TextBounds {Vector2}
				~#TextColor {BrickColor}
				#TextColor3 {Color3}
				#TextFits {bool}
				#TextTransparency {float}
				#TextWrap {bool}
				#TextXAlignment {TextXAlignment}
				#TextYAlignment {TextYAlignment}
				@FocusLost (bool)
		[ !ScreenGui
			#ReplicatingAbsolutePosition {Vector2int16}
			#ReplicatingAbsoluteSize {Vector2int16}
			[ ~GuiMain ]
	[ GuiBase3d
		#Color {BrickColor}
		#Transparency {float}
		#Visible {bool}
		[ FloorWire
			#CycleOffset {float}
			#From {Object}
			#StudsBetweenTextures {float}
			#Texture {Content}
			#TextureSize {Vector2}
			#To {Object}
			#Velocity {float}
			#WireRadius {float}
		[ PartAdornment
			#Adornee {Instance}
			[ HandlesBase
				[ !ArcHandles
					#Axes {Axes}
					#MouseButton1DownConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseButton1UpConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseEnterConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseDragConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseLeaveConnectionCount {int}
					@MouseButton1Down (Axis)
					@MouseButton1Up (Axis)
					@MouseDrag (Axis, float, float)
					@MouseEnter (Axis)
					@MouseLeave (Axis)
				[ !Handles
					#Faces {Faces}
					#Style {HandlesStyle}
					#MouseButton1DownConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseButton1UpConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseEnterConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseDragConnectionCount {int}
					#MouseLeaveConnectionCount {int}
					@MouseButton1Down (NormalId)
					@MouseButton1Up (NormalId)
					@MouseDrag (NormalId, float)
					@MouseEnter (NormalId)
					@MouseLeave (NormalId)
			[ !SurfaceSelection
				#TargetSurface {NormalId}
		[ !PartPairLasso ]
		[ PVAdornment
			#Adornee {Instance}
			[ !SelectionBox ]
		[ SelectionLasso
			#Humanoid {Instance}
			[ !SelectionPartLasso
				#Part {Instance}
			[ !SelectionPointLasso
				#Point {Vector3}
		[ !TextureTrail ]
	[ GuiService
		*$AddCenterDialog (Instance, CenterDialogType, Function, Function)
		*$AddKey (string)
		*$AddSpecialKey (SpecialKey)
		*$RemoveCenterDialog (Instance)
		*$SendNotification (string, string, string, int, Function)
		*$SetGlobalSizeOffsetPixel (int, int)
		#IsModalDialog {bool}
		#Version {int}
		#ShowLegacyPlayerList {bool}
		*@KeyPressed (string, string)
		*@SpecialKeyPressed (SpecialKey, string)
	[ GuidRegistryService ]
	[ HtmlService
	[ HtmlWindow
	[ ~Hopper ]
	[ Humanoid
		$AddCustomStatus (string) {bool}
		$AddStatus (Status = Poison) {bool}
		$GetStatuses {table}
		$HasCustomStatus (string) {bool}
		$HasStatus (Status = Poison) {bool}
		$LoadAnimation (Instance) {Instance}
		!$MoveTo (Vector3, Instance)
		$RemoveCustomStatus (string) {bool}
		$RemoveStatus (Status = Poison) {bool}
		*$SetClickToWalkEnabled (bool)
		!$TakeDamage (float)
		#Health {float}
		#Jump {bool}
		#LeftLeg {Instance}
		#MaxHealth {float}
		#PlatformStand {bool}
		#RightLeg {Instance}
		#Sit {bool}
		#TargetPoint {Vector3}
		#Torso {Instance}
		#WalkDirection {Vector3}
		#WalkSpeed {float}
		#WalkToPart {Instance}
		#WalkToPoint {Vector3}
		@Climbing (float)
		@CustomStatusAdded (string)
		@CustomStatusRemoved (string)
		@FallingDown (bool)
		@FreeFalling (bool)
		@GettingUp (bool)
		@HealthChanged (float)
		@Jumping (bool)
		@PlatformStanding (bool)
		@Running (float)
		@Seated (bool)
		@StatusAdded (Status)
		@StatusRemoved (Status)
		@Strafing (bool)
	[ InsertService
		$ApproveAssetId (int)
		$ApproveAssetVersionId (int)
		$GetBaseCategories {table}
		$GetBaseSets {table}
		$GetCollection (int) {table}
		$GetFreeDecals (string, int) {table}
		$GetFreeModels (string, int) {table}
		$GetUserCategories (int) {table}
		$GetUserSets (int) {table}
		$Insert (Model)
		$LoadAsset (int) {Model}
		$LoadAssetVersion (int) {Model}
		*$SetAdvancedResults (bool, bool = false)
		*$SetAssetUrl (string)
		*$SetAssetVersionUrl (string)
		*$SetBaseCategoryUrl (string)
		*$SetBaseSetsUrl (string)
		*$SetCollectionUrl (string)
		*$SetFreeDecalUrl (string)
		*$SetFreeModelUrl (string)
		*$SetTrustLevel (float)
		*$SetUserCategoryUrl (string)
		*$SetUserSetsUrl (string)
		@InsertError (string, string)
		@InsertReady (string, Instance)
		@InsertRequest (string, Content)
		@InsertRequestAsset (string, int, int)
		@InsertRequestAssetVersion (string, int, int)
	[ InstancePacketCache ]
	[ IntConstrainedValue
		#ConstrainedValue {int}
		#MaxValue {int}
		#MinValue {int}
		@Changed (int)
	[ IntValue
		#Value {int}
		@Changed (int)
	[ JointInstance
		#C0 {CoordinateFrame}
		#C1 {CoordinateFrame}
		#Part0 {Instance}
		#Part1 {Instance}
		[ !DynamicRotate
			#BaseAngle {float}
			[ RotateP ]
			[ RotateV ]
		[ Glue
			#F0 {Vector3}
			#F1 {Vector3}
			#F2 {Vector3}
			#F3 {Vector3}
		[ ManualSurfaceJointInstance
			#Surface0 {int}
			#Surface1 {int}
			[ ManualWeld ]
			[ ManualGlue ]
		[ !Motor
			#CurrentAngle {float}
			#DesiredAngle {float}
			#MaxVelocity {float}
			[ Motor6D ]
		[ Rotate ]
		[ Snap ]
		[ VelocityMotor
			#CurrentAngle {float}
			#DesiredAngle {float}
			#Hole {Instance}
			#MaxVelocity {float}
		[ Weld ]
	[ JointsService
		$SetJoinAfterMoveInstance (Instance)
	[ !Keyframe
		$AddPose (Instance)
		$GetPoses (table)
		$RemovePose (Instance)
		#Time {float}
	[ KeyframeSequence
		$AddKeyframe (Instance)
		$GetKeyframes {table}
		$RemoveKeyframe (Instance)
		#Loop {bool}
		#Priority {AnimationPriority}
	[ KeyframeSequenceProvider
		$GetKeyframeSequence (Content) {Instance}
		$RegisterActiveKeyframeSequence (Instance) {Content}
		$RegisterKeyframeSequence (Instance) {Content}
	[ Lighting
		$GetMinutesAfterMidnight {double}
		$GetMoonDirection {Vector3}
		$GetMoonPhase {float}
		$GetSunDirection {vector3}
		$SetMinutesAfterMidnight (double)
		#Ambient {Color3}
		#Brightness {float}
		#ColorShift_Bottom {Color3}
		#ColorShift_Top {Color3}
		#GeographicLatitude {float}
		#ShadowColor {Color3}
		#TimeOfDay {string}
		@LightingChanged (bool)
	[ LocalBackpack
		*$GetOldSchoolBackpack {bool}
		*$SetOldSchoolBackpack (bool)
	[ LocalBackpackSwitcher ]
	[ LocalBackpackTool ]
	[ LocalWorkspace ]
	[ LuaSettings
		#DefaultWaitTime {double}
		#GcFrequency {int}
		#GcLimit {int}
		#GcPause {int}
		#GcStepMul {int}
	[ MeshContentProvider
		*$SetCacheSize (int)
	[ Message
		#Text {string}
		[ ~Hint ]
	[ Mouse
		#Hit {CoordinateFrame}
		#Icon {Content}
		#Origin {CoordinateFrame}
		#Target {Instance}
		#TargetFilter {Instance}
		#TargetSurface {NormalId}
		#UnitRay {Ray}
		#ViewSizeX {int}
		#ViewSizeY {int}
		#X {int}
		#Y {int}
		@KeyDown (string)
		@KeyUp (string)
		[ PluginMouse ]
	[ NetworkMarker
	[ NetworkPeer
		*$ApplyNetworkSimulator (int = 0, int = 0)
		*$LogPackets (bool)
		*$SetOutgoingKBPSLimit (int)
		[ NetworkClient
			*$Connect (string, int, int, int = 30)
			*$Disconnect (int = 3000)
			#Ticket {string}
			@ConnectionAccepted (string, Instance)
			@ConnectionFailed (string, int, string)
			@ConnectionRejected (string)
		[ NetworkServer
			*$GetClientCount {int}
			*$SetIsPlayerAuthenticationRequired (bool)
			*$Start (int = 0, int = 20)
			*$Stop (int = 1000)
			#Port {int}
			@IncommingConnection (string, Instance)
	[ NetworkReplicator
		*$GetPlayer {Instance}
		*$GetRakStatsString (int) {string}
		*$SendMarker {Instance}
		@Disconnection (string, bool)
	[ NetworkSettings
		#DataMtuAdjust {int}
		#DataSendRate {float}
		#ExperimentalPhysicsEnabled {bool}
		#IsQueueErrorComputed {bool}
		#IsThrottledByCongestionControl {bool}
		#IsThrottledByOutgoingBandwidthLimit {bool}
		#MaxDataModelSendBuffer {int}
		#NetworkOwnerRate {float}
		#PhysicsMtuAdjust {int}
		#PhysicsReceive {PhysicsReceiveMethod}
		#PhysicsSend {PhysicsSendMethod}
		#PhysicsSendRate {float}
		#PreferredClientPort {int}
		#PrintEvents {bool}
		#PrintInstances {bool}
		#PrintPhysicsErrors {bool}
		#PrintProperties {bool}
		#ReceiveRate {double}
		#ReportStatURL {string}
		#ServerLocalScripts {bool}
		#UseInstancePacketCache {bool}
		#UsePhysicsPacketCache {bool}
		#WaitingForCharacterLogRate {int}
	[ NumberValue
		#Value {double}
		@Changed (double)
	[ ObjectValue
		#Value {Instance}
		@Changed (Instance)
	[ PVInstance
		~#CoordinateFrame {CoordinateFrame}
		[ BasePart
			$GetMass {float}
			$Resize (NormalId = Right, int = 0) {bool}
			#Anchored {bool}
			#AlphaModifier {float}
			#Back {Surface}
			#BackParamA {float}
			#BackParamB {float}
			#BackSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#BackSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#Bottom {Surface}
			#BottomParamA {float}
			#BottomParamB {float}
			#BottomSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#BottomSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#BrickColor {BrickColor}
			#CFrame {CoordinateFrame}
			#CanCollide {bool}
			~#Color {Color3}
			#DraggingV1 {bool}
			#Elasticity {float}
			#Friction {float}
			#Front {Surface}
			#FrontParamA {float}
			#FrontParamB {float}
			#FrontSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#FrontSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#Left {Surface}
			#LeftParamA {float}
			#LeftParamB {float}
			#LeftSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#LeftSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#Locked {bool}
			#Material {Material}
			#NetworkOwnerV3 {SystemAddress}
			#NetworkIsSleeping {bool}
			#Position {Vector3}
			#Reflectance {float}
			#ResizeIncrement {int}
			#ResizableFaces {Faces}
			#Right {Surface}
			#RightParamA {float}
			#RightParamB {float}
			#RightSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#RightSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#RotVelocity {Vector3}
			#Size {Vector3}
			#Top {Surface}
			#TopParamA {float}
			#TopParamB {float}
			#TopSurface {SurfaceInput}
			#TopSurfaceInput {InputType}
			#Transparency {float}
			#Velocity {Vector3}
			@LocalSimulationTouched (Instance)
			%@StoppedTouching (Instance)
			@Touched (Instance)
			[ Cluster
				$GetCell (int, int, int) {int}
				$SetCell (int, int, int, int)
				$SetCellFull (int, int, int, int, int, int)
				#ClusterGrid {string}
			[ CornerWedgePart ]
			[ FormFactorPart
				#formFactor {FormFactor}
				[ FlagStand
					#TeamColor {BrickColor}
					@FlagCaptured (Instance)
				[ Part
					#Shape {PartType}
					[ !Platform ]
					[ Seat ]
					[ !SkateboardPlatform
						$ApplySpecificImpulse (Vector3)
						#Controller {Instance}
						#ControllingHumanoid {Instance}
						#MoveState {MoveState}
						#Steer {int}
						#StickyWheels {bool}
						#Throttle {int}
						@Equipped (Instance, Instance)
						@MoveStateChanged (MoveState, MoveState)
						@Unequipped (Instance)
					[ SpawnLocation
						#AllowTeamChangeOnTouch {bool}
						#Neutral {bool}
						#TeamColor {BrickColor}
				[ WedgePart ]
			[ TrussPart
				#Style {Style}
			[ VehicleSeat
				#AreHingesDetected {int}
				#HeadsUpDisplay {bool}
				#MaxSpeed {float}
				#Steer {int}
				#Throttle {int}
				#Torque {float}
				#TurnSpeed {float}
		[ Model
			$GetModelCFrame {CFrame}
			$GetModelSize {Vector3}
			$MoveTo (Vector3)
			$TranslateBy (Vector3)
			~$move (Vector3)
			#PrimaryPart {Instance}
			[ RootInstance
				[ Workspace
					*$BreakJoints (table)
					$FindPartOnRay (Ray, Instance) {Tuple}
					$FindPartsInRegion3 (Region3, Instance, int = 20) {table}
					*$InsertContent (Content) {table}
					*$MakeJoints (table)
					*$SetPhysicsThrottleEnabled (bool)
					#CurrentCamera {Instance}
					#DistributedGameTime {double}
			[ Status ]
	[ PersonalServerService
		*$Demote (Instance)
		*$GetBuildTools {string}
		*$Promote (Instance)
		*$SetPersonalServerBuildToolsUrl (string)
		*$SetPersonalServerGetRankUrl (string)
		*$SetPersonalServerSetRankUrl (string)
	[ PhysicsPacketCache ]
	[ PhysicsService
		@AssemblyAdded (Instance)
		@AssemblyRemoved (Instance)
	[ PhysicsSettings
		#AllowSweep {bool}
		#AreAnchorsShown {bool}
		#AreAssembliesShown {bool}
		#AreAwakePartsHighlighted {bool}
		#AreContactPointsShown {bool}
		#AreMechanismsShown {bool}
		#AreModelCoordsShown {bool}
		#AreOwnersShown {bool}
		#ArePartCoordsShown {bool}
		#AreRegionsShown {bool}
		#AreSleepPartsHighlighted {bool}
		#AreUnalignedPartsShown {bool}
		#AreWorldCoordsShown {bool}
		#Is30FpsThrottleEnabled {bool}
		#IsReceiveAgeShown {bool}
		#IsTreeShown {bool}
		#ParallelPhysics {bool}
		#PhysicsEnviromentalThrottle {EnvironmentalPhysicsThrottle}
	[ Player
		$DistanceFromCharacter (Vector3) {float}
		*$GetFriendStatus (Instance) {FriendStatus}
		*$GetWebPersonalServerRank {string}
		$HasBuildPermission (BuildPermission) {bool}
		$IsBestFriendsWith (int) {bool}
		$IsFriendsWith (int) {bool}
		$IsInGroup (int) {bool}
		%$LoadBoolean (string) {bool}
		*$LoadCharacter (bool = true)
		%$LoadInstance (string) {Instance}
		%$LoadNumber (string) {float}
		%$LoadString (string) {string}
		*$RequestFriendship (Instance)
		*$RevokeFriendship (Instance)
		%$SaveBoolean (string, bool)
		%$SaveInstance (string, Instance)
		%$SaveNumber (string float)
		%$SaveString (string, string)
		*$SetAccountAge (int)
		*$SetMembershipType (MembershipType)
		*$SetSuperSafeChat (bool)
		*$SetWebPersonalServerRank (int) {bool}
		~*$SetUnder13 (bool)
		#AccountAge {int}
		#AccountAgeReplicate {int}
		#Character {Instance}
		#CharacterAppearance {string}
		#ChatMode {ChatMode}
		#DataComplexity {int}
		*#DataComplexityLimit {int}
		#DataReady {bool}
		#Guest {bool}
		#MembershipType {MembershipType}
		#MembershipTypeReplicate {MembershipType}
		#Neutral {bool}
		#OsPlatform {string}
		#SimulationRadius {float}
		#SuperSafeChatReplicate {bool}
		#TeamColor {BrickColor}
		#userId {int}
		@CharacterAdded (Instance)
		@CharacterRemoving (Instance)
		@Chatted (string, Instance)
		*@FriendStatusChanged (Instance, FriendStatus)
		*@HoverOnPlayerChanged (Instance)
		@Idled (double)
		*@LockResult (Instance, bool)
		*@MouseDownOnPlayer (Instance)
		*@RemoteFriendServiceSignal (bool, int)
		*@RemoteInsert (string, Vector3)
		*@RequestLock (Instance)
		*@RequestUnlock (Instance)
		*@ScriptSecurityError (string, string, string)
		*@StatsAvailable (string)
	[ PlayerCamera ]
	[ PlayerHUD ]
	[ PlayerMouse
		#Button1DownConnectionCount {int}
		#Button1UpConnectionCount {int}
		#Button2DownConnectionCount {int}
		#Button2UpConnectionCount {int}
		#EnableReplication {bool}
		#IdleConnectionCount {int}
		#KeyDownConnectionCount {int}
		#KeyUpConnectionCount {int}
		#MouseDelta {Vector2int16}
		#MouseHit {CFrame}
		#MouseOrigin {CFrame}
		#MousePosition {Vector2int16}
		#MouseTarget {Instance}
		#MouseTargetSurface {NormalId}
		#MouseTargetFilter {Instance}
		#MouseUnitRay {Ray}
		#MoveConnectionCount {int}
		#WheelBackwardConnectionCount {int}
		#WheelForwardConnectionCount {int}
		#WindowSize {Vector2int16}
		@KeyDown (string)
		@KeyUp (string)
	[ Players
		*$AddLeaderboardKey (string)
		*$Chat (string)
		*$CreateLocalPlayer (int) {Instance}
		*$GetPlayerByID (int) {Instance}
		$GetPlayerFromCharacter (Instance) {Instance}
		$GetPlayers {table}
		*$ReportAbuse (Instance, string)
		*$SetAbuseReportUrl (string)
		*$SetBuildToolsUrl (string)
		*$SetBuildPermissionsUrl (string)
		*$SetChatFilterUrl (string)
		*$SetChatStyle (ChatStyle = Classic)
		*$SetLoadDataUrl (string)
		*$SetSaveDataUrl (string)
		*$SetSaveLeaderboardDataUrl (string)
		*$SetSysStatsUrl (string)
		*$SetSysStatsUrlId (string)
		*$TeamChat (string)
		*$WhisperChat (string, Instance)
		~$playerFromCharacter (Instance) {Instance}
		~$players {table}
		#BubbleChat {bool}
		#ClassicChat {bool}
		#LocalPlayer {Instance}
		#MaxPlayers {int}
		#NumPlayers {int}
		*@FriendRequestEvent (Instance, Instance, FriendRequestEvent)
		*@GameAnnounce (string)
		@PlayerAdded (Instance)
		*@PlayerAddedEarly (Instance)
		*@PlayerChatted (PlayerChatType, Instance, string, Instance)
		@PlayerRemoving (Instance)
		*@PlayerRemovingLate (Instance)
	[ Plugin
		$Activate (bool)
		$CreateToolbar (string) {Instance}
		$GetMouse {Instance}
	[ Pose
		$AddSubPose (Instance)
		$GetSubPoses {table}
		$RemoveSubPose (Instance)
		#CFrame {CoordinateFrame}
		#MaskWeight {float}
		#Weight {float}
	[ PseudoPlayer
		$DistanceFromCharacter (Vector3) {float}
		#PlayerGui {Instance}
		#userId {int}
	[ RayValue
		#Value {Ray}
		@Changed (Ray)
	[ ReflectionMetadata ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataCallbacks ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataClasses ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataEvents ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataFunctions ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataItem
		#Browsable {bool}
		#Deprecated {bool}
		#Preliminary {bool}
		#summary {string}
		[ ReflectionMetadataClass
			#ExplorerImageIndex {int}
			#ExplorerOrder {int}
		[ ReflectionMetadataMember ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataProperties ]
	[ ReflectionMetadataYieldFunctions ]
	[ RenderHooksService
		*$AddMaterialFilter (string)
		*$DisableQueue (int)
		*$EnableQueue (int)
		*$GetDeltaAve {double}
		*$GetDrawCallBucketLimit (int) {int}
		*$GetDrawCallBucketNum {int}
		*$GetDrawCallBucketValue (int) {int}
		*$GetGPUDelay {double}
		*$GetPresentTime {double}
		*$GetRenderAve {double}
		*$GetTriCount {int}
		*$ResizeWindow (int, int)
	[ RenderSettings
		#AASamples {AASamples}
		#AluminumQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#AlwaysDrawConnectors {bool}
		#Antialiasing {Antialiasing}
		#AutoFRMLevel {int}
		#BatchSize {float}
		#Bevels {Bevels}
		#CompoundMaterialQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#CorrodedMetalQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#DebugCullBlockCount {int}
		#DebugDisableDebriService {bool}
		#DebugFRMCullHumanoids {bool}
		#DebugLogFRMLogVariables {bool}
		#DiamondPlateQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#EagerBulkExecution {bool}
		#FrameRateManager {Framerate Manager}
		#GrassQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#IceQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#IsAggregationShown {bool}
		#IsSynchronizedWithPhysics {bool}
		#PlasticQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#QualityLevel {QualityLevel}
		#Resolution {Resolution}
		#Shadow {Shadow}
		#ShowBoundingBoxes {bool}
		#SlateQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#TextureCompositingEnabled {bool}
		#TrussDetail {GeometryQuality}
		#WoodQuality {MaterialQuality}
		#graphicsMode {GraphicsMode}
		#profileName {string}
	[ !RocketPropulsion
		#CartoonFactor {float}
		#MaxSpeed {float}
		#MaxThrust {float}
		#MaxTorque {Vector3}
		#Target {Instance}
		#TargetOffset {Vector3}
		#TargetRadius {float}
		#ThrustD {float}
		#ThrustP {float}
		#TurnD {float}
		#TurnP {float}
	[ RunService
		@Heartbeat (double)
		@Stepped (double, double)
	[ ScriptContext
		*$AddCoreScript (int, Instance, string)
		*$AddStarterScript (int)
		*$GetHeapStats (bool = true) {Tuple}
		*$GetScriptStats {Tuple}
		*$RegisterDevelopmentLibrary (string, Instance)
		*$RegisterLibrary (string, int)
		*$RegisterRobloxLibrary (string, string)
		*$SetCollectScriptStats (bool = false)
		*$SetTimeout (double)
		*#GarbageCollectionFrequency {int}
		*#GarbageCollectionLimit {int}
		#ScriptsDisabled {bool}
		*@CamelCaseViolation (Instance, string, Instance)
		%@Error (string, string, Instance)
		*@NonScriptableAccess (string, Instance)
	[ ScriptInformationProvider
		*$SetAccessKey (string)
		*$SetAssetUrl (string)
	[ Selection
		*$Get {table}
		*$Set (table)
	[ ServiceProvider
		$GetService (string) {Instance}
		~$service (string) {Instance}
		@ServiceAdded (Instance)
		@ServiceRemoved (Instance)
		[ DataModel
			*$ClearContent (bool)
			*$FinishShutDown (bool)
			*$GetJobIntervalPeakFraction (string, double) {double}
			*$GetJobTimePeakFraction (string, double) {double}
			*$GetJobsExtendedStats {table}
			*$GetJobsInfo {table}
			*$GetObjects (Content) {table}
			$GetRemoteBuildMode {bool}
			*$HttpGet (string, bool = false) {string}
			*$HttpGetAsync (string) {string}
			*$HttpPost (string, string, bool = false) {string}
			*$HttpPostAsync (string, string) {string}
			$IsGearTypeAllowed (GearType) {bool}
			*$Load (Content)
			*$ReportMeasurement (string, string, string, string, string)
			*$Save (Content)
			*$SaveToRoblox {bool}
			*$SetCreatorID (int, CreatorType)
			*$SetGearSettings (GearGenreSetting, int)
			*$SetGenre (Genre)
			*$SetJobsExtendedStatsWindow (double)
			*$SetMessage (string)
			*$SetPlaceID (int, bool = false)
			*$SetRemoteBuildMode (bool)
			*$SetScreenshotInfo (string)
			*$SetServerSaveUrl (string)
			*$SetVideoInfo (string)
			~*$get (string) {table}
			#CreatorId {int}
			#CreatorType {CreatorType}
			#GearGenreSetting {GearGenreSetting}
			#Genre {Genre}
			#JobId {string}
			#LocalSaveEnabled {bool}
			#PlaceId {int}
			#Workspace {Instance}
			~#workspace {Instance}
			&RequestShutdown {bool}
			@ItemChanged (Instance, string)
		[ GlobalSettings ]
		[ PluginManager
			$CreatePlugin {Instance}
		[ UserSettings
	[ ShirtGraphic
		#Graphic {Content}
	[ !Skin
		#SkinColor {BrickColor}
	[ Sky
		#CelestialBodiesShown {bool}
		#SkyboxBk {Content}
		#SkyboxDn {Content}
		#SkyboxFt {Content}
		#SkyboxLf {Content}
		#SkyboxRt {Content}
		#SkyboxUp {Content}
		#StarCount {int}
	[ !Smoke
		#Color {Color3}
		#Enabled {bool}
		#Opacity {float}
		#RiseVelocity {float}
		#Size {float}
	[ SocialService
		*$SetBestFriendUrl (string)
		*$SetFriendUrl (string)
		*$SetGroupUrl (string)
		*$SetPackageContentsUrl (string)
		*$SetStuffUrl (string)
	[ Sound
		#IsPaused {bool}
		#IsPlaying {bool}
		#Looped {bool}
		#Pitch {float}
		#PlayCount {int}
		#PlayOnRemove {bool}
		#SoundId {Content}
		#Volume {float}
		[ StockSound ]
	[ SoundService
		$PlayStockSound (SoundType)
		#AmbientReverb {ReverbType}
		#DistanceFactor {float}
		#DopplerScale {float}
		#RolloffScale {float}
	[ Sparkles
		#Enabled {bool}
		#SparkleColor {Color3}
	[ SpawnerService ]
	[ StarterGear ]
	[ StarterPack ]
	[ Stats ]
	[ StatsItem
		*$GetValue (double)
		*$GetValueString (string)
		[ ProfilingItem
			*$GetTimes (double = 0) {Tuple}
			*$GetTimesForFrames (int = 1) {Tuple}
		[ RunningAverageItemInt ]
		[ RunningAverageItemDouble ]
	[ StringValue
		#Value {string}
		@Changed (string)
	[ StudioTool
		#Enabled {bool}
		@Equipped (mouse)
	[ TaskScheduler
		*$SetThreadShare (double, int)
		#AreArbitersThrottled {bool}
		#BudgetEnforced {bool}
		#Concurrency {ConcurrencyModel}
		#NumRunningJobs {double}
		#NumSleepingJobs {double}
		#NumWaitingJobs {double}
		#PriorityMethod {PriorityMethod}
		#SchedulerDutyCycle {double}
		#SchedulerRate {double}
		#SleepAdjustMethod {SleepAdjustMethod}
		#ThreadAffinity {double}
		#ThreadPoolConfig {ThreadPoolConfig}
		#ThreadPoolSize {int}
		#ThrottledJobSleepTime {double}
	[ Team
		#AutoAssignable {bool}
		#AutoColorCharacters {bool}
		#Score {int}
		#TeamColor {BrickColor}
	[ Teams
		$GetTeams {table}
	[ TeleportService
		$Teleport (int)
		*$TeleportImpl (int, string)
		$TeleportToSpawnByName (int, string)
		&ConfirmationCallback (string, int, string) {bool}
	[ TerrainService
		$CellToWorld (int, int, int) {Vector3}
		$CountCells {int}
		$GetCellFull {Tuple}
		$GetTerrainSizeInCells {Tuple}
		$GetTerrainSizeInStuds {Vector3}
		$SetCellFull (int, int, int, int, int, int)
		$SetEnabled (bool)
		$WorldToCell (Vector3) {Tuple}
		$WorldToCellPreferEmpty (Vector3) {Tuple}
		$WorldToCellPreferSolid (Vector3) {Tuple}
	[ TextService ]
	[ TextureContentProvider
		*$SetCacheSize (int)
	[ Timer ]
	[ Toolbar
		$CreateButton (string, string, string) {Instance}
	[ !TouchTransmitter
		#Target {Instance}
	[ TweenService ]
	[ UserGameSettings
		*$GetTutorialState (string) {bool}
		*$InFullScreen {bool}
		*$InStudioMode {bool}
		*$SetTutorialState (string, bool)
		#AllTutorialsDisabled {bool}
		#CompletedTutorials {string}
		#ControlMode {ControlMode}
		#VideoUploadPromptBehavior {UploadSetting}
	[ Vector3Value
		#Value {Vector3}
		@Changed (Vector3)
	[ VirtualUser
		*$Button1Down (Vector2)
		*$Button1Up (Vector2)
		*$Button2Down (Vector2)
		*$Button2Up (Vector2)
		*$ClickButton1 (Vector2)
		*$ClickButton2 (Vector2)
		*$MoveMouse (Vector2)
		*$SetKeyDown (string)
		*$SetKeyUp (string)
		*$TypeKey (string)
	[ Visit
		*$GetUploadUrl {string}
		*$SetPing (string, int)
		*$SetUploadUrl (string)